How I Got Here

Growing up it was McDonald’s, Mac N’ Cheese with hot dogs, pizza, and Chinese food buffets. I was PICKY to say the least, but loved fast food.

After college, my gut health quickly took a turn. Before I knew it, I couldn’t keep a single meal down without running to the bathroom. It went on for years. I spent every day sick to my stomach, nauseous, dizzy, constant burping, non-stop diarrhea, my hair was falling out at a rapid pace, and I couldn’t stop losing weight. Doctors wouldn’t help and just said it was IBS. Gut health affects everything including our mental health, our skin, and our energy. It was wearing me down for years.


It wasn’t until I stopped trying to figure it out on my own and got connected with a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner that everything started to change. It wasn’t easy and it didn’t happen overnight. Finally, for the first time in three years of dealing with my digestive issues, there was hope. There was actual change and improvement. My gut issues finally began to heal. In turn, my skin cleared and for the first time I could get through my periods without pain meds.

I fell in love with the holistic way of doing things. Nourishing my body and healing my gut was truly life changing. I was spending countless hours learning more and decided to get my certificate and become a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner myself. This is how Wholly Manna was born. Since then I have continued my education and up-leveled my practice through the Gastrointestinal Healing course with Restorative Wellness Solutions where I can utilize functional lab testing.

The name Wholly Manna comes from two things. “Wholly” is to represent the wholistic lifestyle that this business represents. “Manna” comes from the biblical use of manna. God provided manna for His people to nourish them when they were in the wilderness. Manna is often looked to in the Bible as nourishment. Hence the name Wholly Manna!

I am only here because I want to help people. I know there are so many people out there with so many digestive concerns that have been dismissed, just like my own. If bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, or other digestive concerns are disrupting your life or you simply want to learn how to better nourish your body, book a discovery call today!

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